A little as 50 years ago the choice of spectacle lenses was limited to a few basic designs. Heavy glass lenses were commonly worn and from about 45 years of age onwards, you were forced to wear a bifocal, with that dreaded line across the lens, showing everyone your eyes were ageing.
Thankfully times have changed and the choices of lenses are now infinite.
At Visique Taradale we proudly source our lenses through Hoya Lens New Zealand. Hoya is one of the worlds’ leading lens manufacturers and with constant development they offer an extensive portfolio of lenses customised to each individuals’ needs. Using unique digital surfacing lenses can be customised to fit all frames and faces individually.
Our optometrists and dispensing optician will take the time to talk to you about your visual needs to ensure we match the most appropriate lens to suit your needs
Lenses tailored to you
It's not about seeing something, it's about seeing everything. The state-of-the-art Hoyalux iD multifocal lenses provides clear and natural vision in all directions, wide distortion-free fields of view, and smooth transitions between the reading and distance viewing areas.
Profile and Lifestyle
Hoyalux iD multifocal lenses are offered in a wide range of designs to suit each individual’s visual needs and requirements. Lifestyle is one of the most important indicators for your eyecare professional when it comes to selecting the suitable Hoyalux iD lens design for you.
HOYA recognises no two people see the world the same way and has developed award-winning technology that takes into consideration your previous experience with multifocal lenses, the time you spend indoors or outdoors, and your daily activities, that allows us to fully personalise and tailor-make a lens design specific to you.
Lightweight and durable
Your Hoyalux iD multifocal lenses incorpoarte HOYA's latest design insights and cutting-edge technologies. They are made from a lightweight, durable material and finished with a premium anti-flection coating, for superb scratch resistance and easy cleaning.
Sharp and focused vision
Tailored to suit your personal lifestyle and preferences
Precisely calculated for your frame choice
Excellent depth of vision and effortless focusing
Superior image stability

V+ indoor solution: Understanding your individual needs
Hoyalux iD WorkStyle V+ is the latest indoor solution tailored to individual distances and needs. The three design variations - Close, Screen and Space offer optional depth and width perception at both near and intermediate distances. Individual wearing parameters can also be taken into account for more accurate correction, leading to significantly wider visual fields. And thanks to the use of HOYA's unique Binocular Harmonization TechnologyTM, its binocular performance is unrivalled.
Binocular Harmonization TechnologyTM - The majority of multi-focal wearers have a different prescription for the right and left eye* which can lead to visual imbalance and cause eye discomfort. This unique patented technology considers the right and left eye's individual components and calculates the requirements of each eye. It works to support and balance both eyes, guaranteeing effortless focusing with a more natural and stable vision.
Hoyalux iD WorkStyle V+ Close: Perfect for people with specialist hobbies and professions that require high levels of concentration and perfection. With this design, they benefit from the widest possible near area, while still being able to view perfectly at intermediate distances up to 1 metre.
Hoyalux iD WorkStyle V+ Screen: Best choice for people with professions that require smooth and sharp depth and width vision from near distances up to 2 metres. Best choice for computer work.
Hoyalux iD WorkStyle V+ Space: this design is especially suitable for people performing activities where the focus is a little further than a computer screen, with the possibility of sharp far vision up to infinity, while still having crystal clear vision on the screen.
Wearer's benefits:
Perfect and effortless focusing
Excellent depth and width perception at near and intermediate distances
Always maximum width and crystal vision at intermediate distances
Smooth and comfortable transition between the various distance areas
Natural, stable vision when moving around.
Minimise growing exposure to digital screens
Nearly 60% of us are looking at digital screens for 5+ hours per day* and it’s taking its toll on our eyes, causing eye fatigue and digital eye strain. Symptoms can include tired eyes, blurred vision, headache and dry eyes. You may even experience neck or back pain, through stress placed on your cervical spine, if you’re spending long periods unconsciously bent forward looking at a screen.
Spending a large amount of time looking at digital screens (or any near object) means our eyes are constantly exerting more effort to focus. Put simply, our eyes are working harder, causing strain.
How do Dynamic Sync lenses work
Dynamic Sync lenses are specifically designed for people who spend long periods of time looking at near objects such as digital screens and require glasses to see things clearly in the distance. Dynamic Sync’s superior design has your ‘distance power’ for everyday use and a ‘boost zone’ at the bottom of the lens. The boost zone reduces eye strain during up close activities such as looking at digital screens, reading or any ‘near task’ activities. The boost zone allows your eye muscles to relax and focus more easily, helping to relieve eye strain and provide visual comfort. This is even after several hours looking at near distances.
Product features
Less eye fatigue and eye strain
Relaxed vision in all directions and at all distances
Comfortable, clear vision all day long
Available with premium anti-reflective coating BlueControl Diamond Finish